7 Basic Rules of Packing For Simpler and Lighter Travel

Having fun is the main reason you do a travelling. And you have to pay attention to these basic rules of packing. It is precisely for simpler and lighter travel.
Bromountain – We all certainly have an experience to do travelling, whether for business reason or just a quality time with family. And we all ever experienced travelling from one city to another city at least once in our lives. Right?
Indonesia is a very huge country with many culture and beautiful scenery. Don’t you dream to travel around Indonesia? Indonesia is too small when you just stay at home and watch any so-so operas.
Travelling is closely related to packing. You may feel already packing correctly, but in fact our luggage seems to be very full with many items inside. The luggage still have no spaces for other items. And carrying other luggages for the rest items is not great idea.
If you do not know what is going on, understand these basic rules of packing. And here are the basic rules you should know before travelling around.
basic rules of packing for simpler and lighter travel
Suitcase For Travelling

Basic Rules of Packing Travelers Must Know

#1. Bring a half of your clothes and more money

Travelling is a little bit different than recreation. If you say travelling, it means you will go far from your house. And it will need more day and more clothes. A sufficient clothes must be carried for comfortable reason.
Although you will take a trip more than one day, you do not need to bring all clothes. Just take a half of all clothes and bring more money. The more money is used to purchase new clothes or souvenirs at the destination.

#2. Bring what needed

You are just leaving for a while, not changing quarters. Thereby bring only the items will be in need.
How to know the necessary items? List all items you think will be usefull at the destination and make priority scales on the items. Begin from the items you surely have to bring. Later the items you really want to.

#3. Don’t be like a spoilt kid

Being like a spoilt kid when travelling seems to be ‘over thinking’. You may think that carrying many items is a must do and can cheer your holiday up. In fact travelling is not too scared.
Carrying more items does not mean will be more joyful. Even it can be incovenience to youself. The wise choice is to carry items in needs.
To be honest, travelling will be more enjoyable if everything has long been well prepared. Not in sudden and rush. So prepare it!

4. Place the ‘fragile’ stickers on the glassware

Not only to glassware, the fragile stickers must also be on your stuff labeled as important. By sticking the sticker, your important stuff will get more attention from the airport officer. Especially when it is loading in the airport.
It can not warrant 100% safe. But it’s okay and a good precaution before something bad happen to your important stuff.

#5. Pay attention to your jeans and Jackets 

Jeans and jackets are typically categorized as items which are thick and difficult to fold. Both of them take many spaces in the suitcase. Because of that, you must pay attention for the two items while packing. If possible, bring a jacket that is suitable at any situations and jean indeed. Bringing lots of jeans or jackets oftenly become wasteful due to you eventually wear only one jean and jacket in your long holidays.

#6. Do not bring many bathroom equipment

Without bringing many bathroom equipment, you can be clean and fragrant during your holiday. Also, it is possible for you taking a bath perfectly.
You will find many bathroom equipment in the hotel where you stay in. It is surely provided with the hotel. Moreover, if the hotel does not provide such facility you can buy it at minimarkets.
Bringing a toothbrush is more than enough for your holidays. Especially for those who has small luggage with tiny spaces inside.

#7. Separate electronic goods in a pocket

Electronic goods such chargers are quite susceptible to water and humidity. And the dirty clothes inside the luggage sometimes has moisture that can cause eletrical failure to your gadget or electronic stuff. For that reason, you better provide a special bag for those items.
Well, you have known that packing is an important thing and must be well prepared. You should not prepare for such like flight cheap tickets, cheap hotels, and your budget. See?
If you are still confusing how to pack good, please read this article once again. Hope these 7 basic rules of packing for simpler and lighter travel are usefull for you. And you can enjoy your holidays season.
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